A great deal of the waste material used in RDF would have been destined for landfill, had the opportunity for RDF not been an option, but there are a few voices of concern from within the European community about whether or not the continued growth of refuse-derived fuel will have a negative impact on recycling rates.
Collecting materials for recycling has become common practice in households, small businesses and large organisations worldwide. By now it is fair to say we are all aware of the issues and facts surrounding landfill.
The recent release of a new Parliamentary POSTnote (first published 31st January) has been much awaited by renewable energy, waste management and supply chain industry leaders, all reliant on the agreement of a universal definition for Environmental Crimes to operate with complete clarity worldwide.
Global warming, nuclear energy, greenhouse gasses, fracking, oil and coal are widely deliberated topics, with environmentally safe sustainable options for waste management often at the forefront of all discussions.
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